Prezzo & Britvic Halloween competition

  1. Terms and conditions:
    1. Who we are
      1. The promoter is: Prezzo Trading Limited, whose registered office is at 116 Upper Street, London, England, N1 1QP (“Prezzo”).
      2. The competition is operated in association with Britvic Soft Drinks Limited of Breakspear Park, Breakspear Way, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 4TZ but Prezzo at all times remains the promoter of the competition. 
    2. The competition
      1. The title of the competition is Trick or Treat. 
      2. Scan the QR presented at any Prezzo restaurant and fill out entry form to sign up to our news letter to be in the draw to win:
      3. A £500 Love 2 Shop Voucher 
      4. A Magic Set 
    3. Eligibility
      1. The competition is only open to all residents of the United Kingdom aged 18 years or over, except:
        1. employees of Prezzo or Britvic Soft Drinks Limited (or any group companies of either company); 
        2. anyone otherwise connected with the organisation of the competition; and
        3. any close relatives of anyone falling within categories 4.1(a) or 4.2(b).
      2. In entering the competition, you confirm that you are eligible to do so and eligible to claim any prize you might win. Prezzo may require you to provide proof that you are eligible to enter the competition. 
      3. Prezzo will not accept competition entries that are:
        1. automatically generated by computer;
        2. completed by third parties or in bulk, or;
        3. incomplete.
    4. How to enter
      1. There is no entry fee and no purchase necessary to enter the competition.
      2. The competition will run from the 23rd of October 2023 (the "Opening Date") to the 5th of November 2023 (the "Closing Date") inclusive.
      3. All competition entries must be received by Prezzo by no later than 23:59pm on the Closing Date. All competition entries received after the Closing Date are automatically disqualified. Prezzo accepts no responsibility for entries that are delayed or not received for whatever reason.
      4. To enter the competition, you need to:
        1. where completing the online form:
          1. provide us with your name, address and email address in the Entry; 
          2. tick the boxes contained within the Entry confirming that:
            1. you wish to be entered into the competition; 
            2. you consent to your details being shared with Britvic and
            3. you have read and understand these terms and conditions.
      5. Only one entry will be accepted per person. Multiple entries from the same person will not be accepted. Entries on behalf of another person will not be accepted and joint submissions are not allowed.
      6. By submitting a competition entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these terms and conditions. 
      7. [You acknowledge that you are entering the competition via a third-party social media platform or website and you do so at your own risk. Prezzo makes no representation, warranty or commitment and shall have no liability or obligation whatsoever in relation to the content or use of, or correspondence with, any such third-party platforms or websites. Prezzo recommends that you refer to the third party's website terms and conditions and privacy policy prior to using the relevant third-party platform or website. Prezzo does not endorse or approve any third-party website nor the content of any of such websites.]
    5. The Prize
      1. The prizes are one Love 2 Shop Voucher worth £500 and one Magic Set. All prizes are subject to availability and there is no cash alternative for any prize.
      2. Prezzo reserves the right to substitute any prize with another prize of equivalent value without giving notice.
      3. Prizes are not transferable.
      4. Prezzo is not responsible for inaccurate prize details supplied to any entrant by any third party connected with this competition.
      5. Prezzo’s decision in respect of all matters to do with the competition will be final and no correspondence will be entered into in respect of the same.
    6. Winner selection 
      1. Two winners will be selected. Each winner will win only one of the two Prizes. 
      2. The Winners will be chosen at random within 7 days after the Closing Date (the “Selection Date”).
      3. The Winners will be notified via email to the email address provided by the Winner in their Entry Form submission, within 7 days of the Selection Date (the “Notification Date”). If a Winner cannot be contacted or is not available, after 14 days Prezzo reserves the right to select another winner at random from the eligible received entries.
      4. Prezzo’s decision is final and no correspondence or discussion will be entered into. 
    7. Claiming the prize
      1. The winners will have 14 days from the Notification Date to claim their prize. If a Winner does not respond within this time, Prezzo reserves the right to select another Winner at random from the eligible entries received. Prezzo does not accept any responsibility for any Winner who is not able to take up their prize.
      2. Prezzo does not accept any responsibility if you are not able to take up the prize.
      3. The prize may not be claimed by a third party on your behalf.
    8. Winner announcements 
      1. Prezzo may either publish or make available information that indicates that a valid award took place. To comply with this obligation, Prezzo will publish the surname and county of the Winners for one month following the Notification Date. If you object to any or all of your surname and county being published, please contact Prezzo at In such circumstances, Prezzo must still provide the information and winning entry to the Advertising Standards Authority on request.
    9. Limitation of liability
      1. Insofar as is permitted by law, Prezzo, its agents or distributors will not in any circumstances be responsible or liable to compensate the Winners or accept any liability for any loss, damage, personal injury or death occurring as a result of taking up any prize except where it is caused by the negligence of Prezzo, its agents or distributors or that of their employees. Your statutory rights are not affected.
    10. Data protection and publicity
      1. Personal information will be processed by Prezzo only as set out in its Privacy Policy available at: See also condition 8.1 regarding the announcement of Winners. 
    11. General
      1. If there is any reason to believe that there has been a breach of these terms and conditions, Prezzo may, at its sole discretion, reserve the right to exclude you from participating in the competition.
      2. Prezzo reserves the right to hold void, suspend, cancel, or amend the prize competition where it becomes necessary to do so. Any changes to the competition will be notified to entrants by Prezzo as soon as practicable.
      3. The competition and these terms and conditions will be governed by English law and any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.